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Immortal Story, The 6, 81, 197, 198, 244–5, 274; Spain 197, 258; see also Europe
Imperial Hearst (novel) 38
International Pictures 17, 131
In the Land of Don Quixote (TV programme) 196, 265–70, 272–5; Madrid 265
Iron Curtain 198, 212, 216, 230, 233
It’s All True 10, 17, 49–50, 78–80, 89, 99–121, 122n.47, 133, 146, 156, 186, 189, 260; Carnaval footage 109, 119, 127; ‘Carnaval’ (segment) 79, 100, 108, 115, 268; and samba and saudade and Rio de Janeiro; semi-documentary 17, 78, 108; see also Brazil
It’s All True: Based on a Film by Orson Welles 104, 107, 112
Jadran Film Studios 235
Jaglom, Henry 277
Jangadeiros 101
jangadeiros 106, 117–18, 120; and Fortaleza 4, 100–1, 106–7, 117–18, 120, 147, 260; see also Brazil
jazz 80, 101–3, 110; see also The Story of Jazz
Jew Süss (play) 14
Jorgens, Jack J. 249
Journey into Fear (novel) 49, 78, 83, 90, 183
Journey into Fear 50, 81–2, 89–93, 95, 97n.58, 104, 131; Istanbul 93; see also thriller
Joyce, James 4, 23
Julius Caesar (play) 15, 37, 235
Kael, Pauline 38
Kafka, Franz 3, 225–9, 230, 236, 253; see also Prague and The Trial
Kammerspiel 130, 168–9
Karas, Anton 206
Keller, Harry 167, 175
KGB 126
King of Kings 195
King, Sherwood 145
Killers 138
Kirk, Mark-Lee 49
Kodar, Oja 181–9, 190n.5, 197, 231, 263, 271–2, 274–7, 281n.42; see also Crazy Weather and The Other Man and The Other Side of the Wind
Koerner, Charles 53
Korda, Alexander 127, 194, 206, 229, 244
Kracauer, Siegfried 168
Krasker, Robert 206
Krohn, Bill 1, 246
Kurant, Willy 245
Lady from Shanghai, The 17, 78, 80–1, 90, 103–4, 129–31, 145–61, 164, 168–9, 187, 245; Acapulco 81, 131, 156, 147–8, 153–6, 203, 210; anti-authoritarianism 129, 164; hall-of-mirrors 157, 168–9; labyrinthine spaces 168–9; New York 80, 131, 146–8, 151–3, 158; San Francisco 81, 104, 131, 146–8, 151–3, 155–9; see also expressionism and Naples and noir and thriller
Lang, Fritz 168
Larrinaga, Mario 37
Last Laugh, The see letzte Mann, Der
Latin America/South America 10, 17, 50, 81, 88–9, 92, 95, 100–1, 103–4, 110, 118, 130–5, 138, 173, 181–6, 189, 257; see also Good Neighbor Policy
L’Eclisse 231, 235
left-wing: activism 130; critics 23, 266; filmmakers 128; left-wing serious thriller 183; melodrama 25
letzte Mann, Der 169
Little Prince, The (book) 127
Lives of Harry Lime, The (radio play) 206
Lloyd, Harold 35
Lord Jim 243
Los Robles see Touch of Evil
Loves of Carmen, The 257
Love Story 104, 156; see also It’s All True
Lucidi, Renzo 204
Macbeth 15, 17, 54, 160, 226; see also expressionism
machismo 183–4, 263–4
Mackenzie, John 182
Magnificent Ambersons, The 10, 13, 16, 21, 24, 26, 35, 49–71, 72n.27, 77, 89, 92, 99–101, 107, 243, 272; African Americans 57; distant European past 245; Indianapolis 10, 27–9, 52, 54, 56–7, 60–3, 65–7, 70, 100; mansion 52, 56, 62–6, 69–70, 73n.54; see also New York
Magnificent Ambersons, The (novel) 13
Malle, Louis 197
Maltese Falcon, The 169, 206
Mancini, Henry 173, 178n.24
M. & A. Alexander 205
Mandaroux, Jean 235
Manhattan Transfer (novel) 22
Man in the Shadow, The 166
Mankiewicz, Herman J. 16, 25, 31n.22, 32, 38–41, 79
Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 258
Mann, Anthony 77, 128, 165, 169, 195
‘Man of Mystery’ (episode) 206–7, 209, 214; see The Lives of Harry Lime
Man with a Movie Camera 4, 117
March of Time, The (radio play) 84, 208
Marco the Magnificent 236
Marx, Karl 15, 40, 89, 126, 132, 182, 246
Masquerade see Mr. Arkadin
Masterson, Whit 166
Mayer, Louis B. 23
May, Joe 169
Maysles, Albert and David 270
McCarthy, Joseph 127, 160; and Cold War
Meltzer, Robert 105, 110, 119
Melville, Herman 245
Melville, Jean-Pierre 245
Mercedes 181, 264, 273–4
Merchant of Venice, The 251
Mercury Theatre 15–16, 23, 247
Mercury Theatre on the Air, The (radio play) 15
Mercy see Mercedes
Mérimée, Prosper 257, 271, 275
Merrie England 2, 24, 28, 58, 246, 248
Metty, Russell 137, 170, 175
Mexican Melodrama see Way to Santiago, The
Mexican Spitfire Sees a Ghost 53
Midlander, The (novel) 56
Miller, William see Masterson, Whit
mise-en-scène 5, 46, 60, 77, 82, 139, 166, 183, 219, 221, 230
Misérables, Les (play) 15
Misraki, Paul 211–12
Moby Dick (novel) 243
‘Moby Dick’ Rehearsed (play) 243
Monash, Paul 166
Monsieur Arkadin (novel) 205, 209
Monsieur Verdoux 50
Moreau, Jeanne 236, 275
Mori, Paola 258
Mr. Arkadin 3, 6, 10, 29, 81, 87, 126, 155, 163, 165, 175, 187, 194–5, 203–14, 217–21, 224n.62, 229, 231, 257–9; Barcelona 214, 217, 231, 277; flashback structure 204–5; Madrid 195, 203, 213, 220, 224n.62, 257–8, 277; Munich 3, 144n.27, 203, 210, 212, 214, 217–21, 226; Spanish-language version 204; see also Europe and impressionism and Naples and Spain and thriller
multi-national filmmaking 194
Munich Film Museum 251, 276
Murder, My Sweet 169
Murder on the Riviera (radio episode) 207
Murnau, F. W. 168, 169
Musketeers, The (TV programme) 17
‘My Friend Bonito’ (episode) 49; see also It’s All True
Naked City, The 77, 148, 169, 170; semi-documentary realism 148
Naked Lady, The (TV programme) 17
Naples 81, 87, 210, 213, 217
Naremore, James 8, 25, 40–1, 86, 148, 248
Native Son (play) 16
Nazism 79, 85, 87, 90–92, 119, 132–3, 136, 220–1; in Argentina 133, 135; death camp 132, 139; de-Nazification 220; Germany 80, 131, 168 ; Nazi-hunter 129, 143n.20; post-Nazi era 218; prisons 237, 240n.34
Nella terra di Don Chisciotte 5
New Orleans 102
New York 4, 10, 14, 22–3, 28, 34, 41–2, 80, 90, 102–3, 130, 149, 170; see also Citizen Kane and The Lady from Shanghai and Mr. Arkadin
New Yorker 38, 149
New York Post 125
New Wien (segment) 1, 3, 9
Night and the City 170
Night Train to Munich 83
Nobility of the Peasantry see Nobleza baturra
Nobleza baturra 258
noir/film noir 4, 10, 78, 128–31, 146, 154, 164–5, 168–70, 183, 189; cinematic cities 130, 164; labyrinths 170; postwar noir 129; private-detective-centred 169; worldview 130
Noriega, Jose 88–9, 127
Nosferatu 168
OCIAA 50, 99, 115
Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs see OCIAA
Old Chevalier, The 253n.2
‘Old Chevalier, The’ (short story) 43, 244
One-Man Band see Orson’s Bag
Operation Cinderella 194
Orson’s Bag 2, 9, 11n.n.3,8, 198–9, 251, 272, 275; and Vienna and Zagreb
Orson Welles en el país de Don Quijote 262
Orson Welles #4 see Way to Santiago, The
Orson Welles Show, The (radio play) 50r />
ORTF 244
Otello, Grand 105, 111, 116–17, 119
Othello 6, 120, 163, 168, 175, 193–6, 203, 206–7, 214, 228, 245, 249–50–2; see also Cannes Film Festival Palme d’Or and Europe
Other Man, The 181–9, 190n.5; see also Oja Kodar and Pan-American cities and thriller
Other Side of the Wind, The 84, 157, 181, 199, 231, 244, 268, 271, 273; American macho 264
Out of the Past 138
Pamplona 4, 257, 265, 267–9; encierros 267–8; San Fermin 267–9, 281n.39; see also In the Land of Don Quixote
Pan-American films 10, 77–181, 189; anti-fascist 50, 78, 106; Carnaval 116; cities 99, 181; identity 101, 165; port city 165; propaganda 116; thrillers 78, 128, 163, 184
Paris by Night 244
Paul, Elliot 79, 101–2
Photosonar studios 203
Piedra, Emiliano 247
Poe, Edgar Allen 197
political films 77
port cities 4, 77, 131, 148, 184
Portrait of Gina see Viva Italia
Prague 3, 227, 229, 230, 275; Holocaust 227
Prince of Foxes 193
Prozess, Der see Trial, The
Pulitzer Prize 25, 57
RAI-TV 266
Ray, Nicholas 195
Reed, Carol 2, 83, 193, 206
Rio de Janeiro 1, 4, 50, 71, 101, 106–7, 109–10, 112, 119, 186; bidonville 187–9; Carnaval, 4, 50, 71, 79, 100–12, 115–19, 127; see also Brazil and It’s All True
Rivelles, Amparo 204, 215
RKO 13, 16–17, 21–4, 37, 49–51, 53–6, 59–60, 63–7, 69, 77–84, 86, 88–93, 100–4, 107–9, 115, 118–19, 122n.47; RKO-Pathé Studio 64
Rockefeller, Nelson 50, 183
Rohmer, Eric 211, 217
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 40, 50, 78, 86, 99, 125, 127–9, 277; Depression era 15, 22; see also Good Neighbor Policy
Roots of Heaven, The 196
Rosenbaum, Jonathan 6, 8–9, 18, 54, 209, 211, 281n.39
Rossen, Robert 128, 195
rubble films 218
Ruttland, Walter 4
Sacred Beasts, The 109, 259, 264, 270–1; see also bullfighting
Safety Last 35
Saladin: Three Crusaders 197
Salome 119, 127, 194
samba 100, 104–5, 109–17, 119, 268; see also Brazil and Rio de Janeiro
Samba 119
saudade 1, 71, 113–15, 165, 210, 226
Scalera, Michele 193, 249–50
Schaefer, George 16, 23, 53
Sevilla Film Studios 195, 203
Shadow of a Doubt 138
‘Shadow, The’ (radio episode) 15
Shakespeare, William 2, 14, 160, 180, 244, 246, 251, 253
Shoemaker’s Holiday, The (play) 15
Shylock Story, The 251, 253; see also The Merchant of Venice
Side Street 77, 169
silent film 4, 15, 28, 35, 101, 120
Siodmak, Robert 131, 168
Sirhan Sirhan 181
Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee 164
Smiler with the Knife, The 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90
Socialist Realism 22–3
Spain 10–11, 14, 23, 43, 87–8, 155, 165, 195–7, 203, 214, 216, 245, 247, 25–9, 262–7, 270–3, 276–8; españolada 14, 257–8; Stalinist influence in 23; see also bullfight and Ernest Hemingway and Francisco Franco and John Dos Passos
Spanish-American War 10, 26, 29, 40, 43
Spanish Civil War 15, 93, 129, 147, 258; International Brigades 151; Popular Front 15, 22–3, 82–3; postwar 165, 195; see also fascism and Spain
Spanish Earth, The 23
Spiegel, Sam 131
Spirits of the Dead 197
Stamboul Train (novel) 83
Sternberg, Josef von 169
Stewart, James G. 81
‘St-Germain-des-Prés’ (episode) see Around the World with Orson Welles
Story of Jazz, The 101–3
Stranger, The 17, 78, 81, 125–42, 153, 168, 175, 189; film noir postwar thriller 30; Puerto Indio 133–5, 137, 141, 175, 189; see also Argentina and expressionism and noir
Straße, Die 169
Street, The see Straße, Die
Street with No Name, The 169
Sun Also Rises, The (novel) 14, 267
Surinam see Victory
Take This Woman 146, 161n.17
Tamiroff, Akim 144n.27, 196, 209, 224n.62, 229, 281n.39
Taras Bulba (novel) 225
Tarkington, Booth 13, 24–5, 50, 54, 56–71, 245
Tasca di Cutò, Alessandro 265–6
Temporary Draft 131
Third Draft see Black Irish
Third Man, The 2, 141, 183, 193–4, 206; and expressionism and postwar Europe and thriller and Vienna
Third Man (theme) 206
thriller 5, 10, 17, 49, 77–95, 118, 127, 138, 148, 156, 165, 181–3, 185, 194, 197–8, 206–7, 220; anti-fascist 78, 90, 95; comic 104; Pan-American 78, 128, 146, 163, 184; political 277; postwar 30n.2; serious thriller 82, 206, 212–13; spy thriller 78
Tito, Josip Broz 2, 197–9, 230
Toland, Gregg 36–7, 49; see also Citizen Kane
Too Much Johnson 12n.11, 22, 36, 47n.5, 108; and Madrid 47n.5
Too Much Johnson (play) 4, 15, 35
Touch of Evil 3, 6, 17, 46, 78, 80, 85, 95–96n.12, 142, 155, 163–77, 177n.7, 178n.21, 179n.26, 185, 187, 196, 210, 220; US/Mexican border 3–4, 77, 155–68, 170–4, 177, 178n.21; cinematic spaces 78; expressionist use of shadows 137, 175; Los Angeles 78, 164; Los Robles 3, 78, 81, 164, 166–8, 170, 174–5, 177, 178n.24, 179n.26; Venice Beach 78, 164, 168, 175, 177; see also expressionism and noir and thriller
Tourneur, Jacques 138
Towers, Harry Alan 206
Trauner, Alexandre 249–51
Treasure Island 197, 247, 254n.19
Trial, The 3, 6, 10, 157, 168, 197, 210, 225–38, 238n.1, 239n.31, 240n.33, 253; Gare d’Orsay 3, 235–7; post-Holocaust 253; see also Europe and expressionism and Prague and Vienna and Zagreb
Trivers, Paul 79, 89
Turmoil, The (novel) 56–7
Twelfth Night (play) 14
Twentieth Century Fox 118, 139, 154, 156, 231
Two by Two see Capitan Noè
United Nations 125–7, 176
Universal Pictures 17, 128, 139, 166
Unnamed Mexican Story 89
urban spaces 5, 11, 36, 46, 78, 95, 102, 245
Vadim, Roger 197
Varieté 169
Variety see Varieté
Veiller, Anthony 17, 131, 138
Venice Film Festival 160, 204, 226, 255n.33
Vertov, Dziga 4
Victory 243
Vidor, Charles 146, 257
Vienna 1–2, 206, 229, 275; Riesenrad Ferris wheel 2, 279; see also The Third Man
V.I.P 205
Viva Italia 259
Wade, Robert see Masterson, Whit
Walked by Night 169
Walker, Vern 81
War and Peace 127
Warner Bros. 118, 204
War of the Worlds (radio programme) 16
Washington Evening Star 160
Way to Santiago, The 49, 83, 86, 88–90; see also thriller
Webb, Roy 53
Welcome, Mister Marshall! see ¡Bienvenido, Mister Marshall!
Wertenbaker, Lael Tucker 261–2
When Are You Going to Finish Don Quixote? 197, 276
Wilde, Oscar 119, 127, 194
Wilder, Billy 168
Williams, Charles 198
Wilson, Richard 102, 105, 120
Winter of Our Discontent, The 14
World War I 40, 62, 82, 208, 229
World War II 10, 91, 131; fascist Spain 195; postwar period 10, 30, 27, 127–9, 131, 153, 165, 169–70, 201–22, 226, 230–3, 246; Soviet-style internationalism 125; see also fascism and Good Neighbor Policy and The Lady from Shanghai
Yugoslavia 197–9, 225–6, 230, 232, 236, 251; TV audience 196; see also Black Wave and Josip Broz Tito
Zagreb 2–3, 11
, 199, 229–34, 236–7; General Plan of Zagreb 232; see also Orson’s Bag and The Third Man and The Trial
Zugsmith, Albert 166
Zwischen Gestern und Morgan 218